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Women’s Consciousness Circle

7.00-9.00pm Third Thursday of the month.

Birkdale Community House 

If you are a woman who is interested in growing in consciousness and who wants to connect with others who are doing the same, you are warmly welcomed to this group! $20.00 (negotiable) Contact Patricia 09 483 8486 or Liz 021 988 468

Boomerang Bags - Birkdale House

9.00–12:00pm Thursday

Birkdale House 

A friendly space to gather with others and sew reusable bags to share in our community. Opportunity to work on your own creations also. Sewing machines and tea & coffee provided.  Contact the Community House 4839149 

Handcrafts & Creations

10:00–12noon Thursdays

Beach Haven Community House


Bring your work along

$3 per session per person. Contact Ngaere McGregor on 483 8339


10:00–12noon Every Thursday

Beach Haven Community House


Bring along your own work. Everyone welcome.

$3 per session per person

Afternoon Guitars at the House

1:00–2:30pm Every Thursday

Beach Haven Community House

Everyone's welcome to come along for a casual jam session.

$3 per session per person

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What's happening 2017

Term Planner 

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